Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Pants

Today.... Collin is 10 months old. My heart is filled with joy... and a tiny bit of sadness. My little baby is now a rumbling, tumbling, bumbling Tot. I miss swaddling and the nursing him. I miss carrying him around in his sling. I miss picking him up... with ease. As much as it makes me heart (and back) ache to see my son grow, my heart fills with pride and joy (a song I know?) at the same time.

What more can a mommy ask for? In 10 months, Collin has never been sick (aside from an allergic reaction he had to antibiotics I was taking while I was nursing him). And I think he's genuinely a happy boy... probably the happiest little kid I've ever met. What's funny is... I don't see him laugh all that often. He gets more of a 'kick' out of getting a laugh out of others. Which he does... on a frequent basis. But Mommy can get a chuckle out of him if she tries real hard (usually involves lots of tickling in just the right places... an act not many can perfect). I believe, he has the 'fixin's' to be a fine comedian.

In the picture above, Collin is wearing the first thing I've ever knitted (completed) for him. Baby Pants!

I must say, I'm feeling quite accomplished. I finished these just a few days ago! Of course, I made them to fit a 2 year old. Naturally, Collin will grow out of them in a few days. Luckily, the pattern has modifications for sizes up to 10 years old.

For the 'women' that have not met my son, you must know that he is quite a flirt. I know I have mentioned this before, but my thinking is that this could become quite an issue. My best friend, Afton, brought her two nieces to our house for some play time. Allie (brunette) and Emma (blond)... I thought these were two of the most beautiful little girls I've ever seen.... so did Collin.

It's a birth mark!! For pete sakes...

Yes... from what I've seen... our boy is a Ladies Man. I have only my husband... and father... and (by all means) my grandfather to blame!

Bath time...

Those are not my hairy legs...

They are my husband's.

I know, baby... Daddy is silly.