Saturday, January 23, 2010

Chubby Cheeks

Our little buddy... he's growing so fast! I've been looking through the huge cornucopia of pictures we've taken of him. Wow... how he's changed in just a few short weeks! I don't know, I have mixed feelings about this. Next week he'll be 18 and going off to college! I doubt I'll ever be ready for that. Okay, I'm going to try really hard not to be that mom. The over-bearing, embarrassing, mom-don't-kiss-me-in-front-of-my-friends mom. Well... I said I'd try. =)

Lately, Tommy and I have been working on a photo book for Collin. One of my friends told me about this. It's so cool... it leaves room for all the creativity without the glue, scissors, stamps and stickers (although, I know for most of you scrap-bookers, the mess is half the fun). Our plan is to have this book finished and published by Collin's first birthday. I'm enjoying this one so much I'm going to make more. I absolutely love it.. and I think Collin and his wife and children will enjoy them, too.

Our little family is starting a new path. It's time to come out from under the rock we've been living and engage in our new life as a family. So... for starters, we're going to church! We started going last week to the Heritage United Methodist Church in Broken Arrow with Tommy's sister, Dawn, her husband, Craig, and their best friends Kristy and Greg. It was a great experience for both me and Tommy. Daddy and I have had extensive conversation about it. It's quite a drive, but in our hearts, we know this is the right church to bring Collin up in. Plus, he'll be with one of his cousin's, Cole!

Tommy has decided that it is time for Daddy to get back into shape! Gotta get moving so he can keep up with his little boy. He wants to start running and play soccer again. Mommy is working on trying different recipes and new meal plans for dinners. That's right... no more chicken dinner from Sonic. We're cookin'! And setting a new standard for our home, with a little help from my friends, the Pioneer Woman and Fly Lady.

Yep, we are having a ball. For all of you mothers-to-be out there, you have so much to look forward to. Cherish every moment and never take any of it for granted. Take LOTS of pictures, and the occasional video. It's an absolute blast.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Bringing in the New Year

Today, Collin is 3 months old! He changes so fast, I have a hard time keeping up. At his 2 month check up with his pediatrician, we found out that he had only gained 2 ounces in his second month. Ugh.... I felt horrible. It was evident that breastfeeding alone wasn't giving him what he needs. I don't know why I was so hell-bent on nursing, except I knew it would save us a bunch of money. Geeze, formula is expensive! I guess I thought of it as my way of helping out with the bills. But, I have to say... things are working out for the best. I still nurse Collin but not 24/7. I do feel a bit unleashed, now. And Collin is getting the best of both worlds while gaining so much weight!

Collin is over 13 lbs and about 24 inches. He's learned that his hands have a purpose! He's getting so good and holding his toys. He also likes to touch our faces and hands. It's so cool to watch him take everything in. Just recently, he's started 'talking' a whole bunch... many coo's and ahh's. Tommy and I tried to film him talking one night, but the moment he saw the camera he froze! Would not take his eyes off the camera.. he loves that camera.

We've started 'sleep training' this week. It's too soon to tell how things are going, but we should know in a week or so, so cross your fingers.

No doubt about it, Tommy and I are diggin' parenthood. Don't get me wrong... it has it's challenges. We are absolutely exhausted and when we do get some time to ourselves, it is usually spent sleeping! One things for certain, this is quite an experience. One we wouldn't trade for anything.... not even sleep. ;-)