Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sugie Bear

Hello, all! It's that time again. Tomorrow, my Sugie Bear is going to be 4 months old. And, again.. how much he's changed! He's quite the ham, I must say. He laughs, "talks", smiles... sometimes he smiles so big I think the happiness inside of him is going to burst through the seams! Although it is quite the financial struggle, I am SO thankful I can stay home with him. Time goes by so fast, already.

I really admire the moms that juggle taking care of their family and going to work. It's amazing what some women can accomplish. Me... I'm doing all I can to hold it together sometimes. Not many know I am dealing with quite a bout of postpartum depression. I don't like talking about it much, but sometimes it's hard to hide. But looking at his chubby face makes it ALL worth it.

Tummy Time!!! We finally got it! Collin actually prefers to lay on us while we lay flat. He likes looking down and seeing his Momma and Daddy. He actually enjoys it, now. He makes cute little grunting and gremlin noises in the process. Smiling, of course.

Our little family, as you know, has recently started going to church. Tommy and I really enjoy our Sunday School class. We're studying the Book of Jeremiah. Our instructor, Lori, just about made me break down in tears last Sunday when she brought up a very familiar passage...

"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you;
Before you were born I sanctified you;
I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
- Jeremiah 1:5

As inadequate as I feel sometimes, I know God had a purpose for me. And now, I get to fulfill it. Before Collin was a "twinkle in my eye" (as my Dad would say), he was loved. Though I planned for Collin for a couple of years, God planned for him for an eternity. Everything is going to be okay. Man.. I haven't had faith in a very long time. I still have a bunch of work to do.

Tommy absolutely adores his son. Can you tell? He's been there from day one. Bathing, cuddling, rocking, feeding... I always knew he would be a great daddy. He's such a kid himself. He would always choose to play with the kiddos rather than participate in a "boring" adult conversation! He's such a goofball.

Tommy and I realize the dynamics of our relationship have changed greatly in the past... well, 13 months. Sometimes it is extremely challenging (just as any new parent knows), but one thing we have learned is that with change comes great opportunity. My dad told me once that the "struggle" is part of the process... and part of the fun. I love my husband more than words can express. He is the one for me.

Tommy tells me that I have created a monster. My little fatty is as attached to me as I am to him, now. I can't really say I regret it. Though, it can be a challenge when we are in an unfamiliar situation (church, large family gatherings, funerals... yes, funerals). I blame myself, of course. I don't take him out much... the weather does not help much. I hate getting him out in the wet or cold. I do want him to feel comfortable with others. So... I'm working on some basic socialization. In March, we'll be joining a swim class! He'll be a month younger than the age limit, but his size makes up for it. I'm going to be looking for some other "Mommy and Me" groups... and I have a few friends and relatives with children I am going to try to get together with more.

Well, that's all for now. Thanks for coming along with us on our journey!