Friday, December 11, 2009

Living on Collin Time

This is our son... Collin William. I don't think I realized what I was in for. When I think about what my life was like before he came into our lives, I find myself laughing. So much has changed in just a few weeks.

Collin is 2 months old today. He was born October 11, 2009. Strangely, he came naturally on his due date. I woke up very early that Sunday morning and found that my water had broke. Many difficult hours later, at 6:26 pm, he was here. Hours after that, he was finally in my arms. My Darling Baby... my Little Man... my son.

I cannot get over how much he has changed in the past weeks. He came out so chubby at first.. 9 lb 1 oz. All puffy and kind of orange, I might add. My Pumpkin Head. Today his complexion is much like mine, but better... softer, smoother, and fair. His hands and feet are usually cold, much like mine. But he is his father's son. When I look at my boy, I see Tommy. My Greatest Love. Collin has the same dimples and blue eyes that captured me when I first laid eyes on his daddy. Some say he looks like me, but I think he's looks like us both. Only much more charming.

He started smiling the Saturday before Thanksgiving! Of course, my father, got Collin's first big smile... I think that made Granddad's year. As much as I would have loved to see it, I'm so happy Dad got that experience. That will be a moment Dad will cherish.. just between him and his grandson.

Nursing can be a challenge... well maybe not nursing. Shoot, I must be a professional at that by now. I guess I should say doing anything but nursing is the real challenge. I find myself rushing through showers, meals and bathroom breaks so I can come back to Collin. I don't normally get an opportunity to steal away to make a pot of much needed coffee, but when I do, I truly appreciate it! This will pass, of course. Or so I've been told. I hope everyone can be patient with me... going places and doing things are not a luxury I have right now. But man... I could would love to see New Moon in the theater and go to a restaurant
with my husband. ;-)

Collin has many cute faces.. his most famous is his notorious "O" face. The more we laugh, the more he makes it. He has a little birth mark on his left shoulder. To me, it looks like a kiss print. I like to think of it as a kiss from my guardian angel.

It's hard for me to imagine my little baby will be a man one day, but it's always in the back of my mind. One day I will have to let him go? Will he not fit in my lap forever? Will I not be the only woman in his life? Maybe not... but I doubt I'll ever let him go.

I'm learning new things every day. About Collin and about myself. He changes a little every day... Sometimes new sounds or a new expression. And I'm growing as a mother, whether I feel like I am or not. I know it. But it's easy to forget at 1:00 am. Still, there's nothing I'd rather do... no one I'd rather be than Collin's Momma.

Friday, May 1, 2009


Well, we went to see Dr. Parham today at 3:00pm. My mom wanted to join us this time. We were hoping to find out what the sex of the baby is, and boy did we find out! My son.... my SON!! It sounds so good... Collin William. He'll be handsome, strong, funny and filled with more love than one can imagine.

I have to admit... I was fighting being disappointed. There were a few people that were hoping we would have a girl, and to be honest, I was kind of wanting one, too. But most of my life, I've wanted to be a mother to a boy. I thought I'd be better at it. Well, I got my long lost wish! As it's sinking in... I am getting more and more excited. Collin William... little Collin. Big, strong, grown up Collin.

I hope he loves us.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Well, it finally happened! After 2 long years of trying, we are finally pregnant! And we are so excited... I am happy to finally start figuring out this whole blogging thing. To be honest, I'm a little intimidated. But I'm determined to keep everyone up to date. So bear with me... be patient... I'll get good at this. I'll become a pro, just like my sister-in-law, Dawn (who's the mother of the beautiful baby you see on my page). So, hang on!! I'll take you with us through our journey.