Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wrangler Man

Have you ever had a pair of jeans that made your butt look absolutely voluptuous??

These kind of particularly INCREDIBLE looking jeans (usually Wranglers are) can usually be a little snug...

The problem with this fantastic pair of pants is that sitting, breathing, and... well pretty much any kind of movement can be near impossible...

But there's no denying that when you have a booty like this... you can't beat a good pair of Wranglers!

But you know, when you get home from your hoot-n-nanny, the first thing you do is unbutton..

And getting OUT of these jeans is no easy task!

A tight pair of jeans is like a high pair of pumps... insanely uncomfortable to wear and impossible to walk in, but oh-so worth it! =)

(NO babies were harmed in this process.)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm bringin' Chubby Back

I'm going to try to do a better job at this post than the last one! Sorry I didn't correct my mistakes... I was spent too much time on it already and didn't want to fuss with it anymore.

Collin is now 6 months old. Tommy and I can hardly believe that our little baby is half a year old! Will he always grow this fast? LOL!

So, today was his 6 month check up. We've recently changed doctors... we are going to the Pediatrics and Adolescent Care's Dr. Setter. We LOVE him!! He became a pediatrician in 1981... That's one year before either Tommy or I was born! He also was a founding doctor to this particular practice (which is around 30 years old, I think??). He is also a wood carver... which I think is totally cool. And the office is so clean and organized. The nurses are so friendly and knowledgeable, too. It's a little far from my house, but it's worth it.

Collin is 24.12 lbs.. 27.75 inches long... He is above the 97th percentile in weight, but Dr. Setter wasn't all that worried. He said Collin is just a big boy all around. He suggested I feed him solids throughout the day (3 times) and he will be less interested in his formula. (Oh, yes.... we've been eating solids for almost two weeks, now) He was a smiley, happy baby for the whole appointment until the "dreaded" immunization shots. Oh, he was not happy... neither was Mommy.

We honestly didn't think it would be a challenge putting Collin on solid foods, and we were correct. The first time we tried it, he was a little unsure....

But soon, he realized... Hey! This stuff is GREAT!!!

Since then we have graduated from rice cereal to fruits and veggies. He has had pears, green beans, garden veggies with whole wheat pasta, sweet potatoes, prunes, and carrots. LOL! I have yet to try something he doesn't like.

Finding clothes that will fit Collin is a challenge. Today, I bought him 18 month rompers and 24 month shorts. And shoes?? Don't get me started! Our son has loaves of bread for feet!

Collin makes us laugh every day, all day! He is so expressive. He can be solemn, loving, boisterous, thoughtful, funny, and up-to-no-good. When he gets really tickled at something, he flaps his arms and kicks his legs so fast, his whole body and whatever (or whoever) is holding him shakes.

See what I mean??

I'm grateful I am able to say, Collin has turned into an easy baby to please. If he's fed, rested and comfortable he's generally in a good mood. Much like a little man! Mommy keeps a pretty good schedule to keep it that way as much as possible.