Monday, June 14, 2010

Our Little Ham

I have tried to update Collin's blog at least once a month. I try to note his growing milestones and record his funniest and precious moments. My plan (along with keeping the memories for myself and our loved ones) is to have his blog printed one day, to give to him so he can share it with his family. I realized how important something like this could be when I was pregnant... constantly going through my own and my husbands baby pictures (whatever I could find), trying to dream up what our baby boy would look like and what kind of temperament he would have. I have gone from marking milestones in his Baby Book to trying to make a Photo Book to have published later on (still may make this happen). But I have to say, his blog has been the most fun for me. I love sharing it as I go along.

So far, this Summer, Collin has been proving to be much like his momma... a mosquito magnet. He doesn't seem to mind, though. He's very much an outdoors boy. Which boy isn't? My mother said she used Skin-So-Soft to keep the bugs off my skin. Recommended by my pediatrician and completely safe for delicate baby skin. Hmm... anyone know an Avon Lady??

One of Collin's favorite places to be is Gamma and Ganddad's back patio. Tommy and my Dad have hung a swing for him from one of their oak trees. Mom has been working tirelessly on her garden and Coy pond. The chiminea, when lit, fills the air with pinion wood smoke. And if Dad's grilling wings, the smells are mouth watering.

Meet Fred. Patron Saint of Day Lillies and Earth Worms.

Ladies and Gentlemen... may I introduce "The Boss".

Mmmm....... YUM!

Beautiful Gamma. She taught me how to be a mother.

Note to self... Collin bites.

Though my pictures may not do my mom's garden justice, you can see it's beautiful. She's kept it going for quite a few years, perfecting a little at a time. This is where my Grandma's ashes are. It is her legacy to leave to me.. and God willing, for me to leave to my son and his family. Now... I need to learn to garden!

Blowing raspberries with Ganddad.

My father... let's boogy!

Big boy is getting so strong. He'll be walking in no time!

We could do this all day. What's more fun than blowing raspberries?

Collin has grown so very fond of his Mimi and Papa. Mimi has a talent for making him smile. Actually, she has a talent for making anyone smile. We love Mimi.

Watching the Tony Awards.

She also has a beautiful yard... lots of room to play!! Perfect for little boys, pugs and big boys, too!

Swinging with Mimi.

This was another day... but way too cute not to share!

Collin is still not really crawling, yet. Still scootin' around on his tooshie and wallering around on the floor. But you can tell he really wants to crawl. He's got the motivation... most of the time.

Under the coffee table...

As much as I want to, I cannot seem to get my head straight on fixing healthy meals beyond baby food. I tried Tuna Helper and he loved it... though it gave him horrible diarrhea along with a pretty bad diaper rash. Now I'm gun shy. I should have known better... I felt horrible. Now that I know he loves Tuna, I should try to find a way to cook it that is not out of a box and wont hurt his tummy or tooshie. If I can't get this meal thing figured out before too long, he'll be the only baby food eating teenager in school.

Collin still doesn't say much, except "Momma". He used to say "Dada"... for about a week. But now.. he'll say "Momma" over and over again. Well, he also growls, spits raspberries, and yells. We spend quite a bit of time growling at each other. He also loves to act like he's coughing... yes, he's acting. He thinks it's funny!

There was a time when Collin had eyes only for his Momma. Now, there are times when he wants his Daddy and no one else. There were a couple of times I took it personally, but it's absolutely adorable when he reaches for his Daddy. What a pair they are!

I can't believe Collin is already 8 months old... he's such a ham. We love him so! He's growing too fast, though. Will I still be saying that when he's a teenager? Hmm... probably!